Mistakes happen – at work and everywhere else. Everybody makes them.
While it’s easy to spiral into self-loathing when you slip up, a mistake isn’t a sign that you’re unskilled. It simply means you’re human.
Here’s the even better news: Your mistake doesn’t have to define you, especially if you find the right way to move forward. That starts with a genuine and professional apology.
Saying “sorry” at work can be intimidating, but this guide on how to apologize for a mistake professionally can help. Here’s a bit more on why apologizing at work is so important, the six ingredients of a good professional apology, and how to deliver it in person or remotely.
Why apologizing for mistakes at work matters
When you realize you’ve made a blunder, there’s a strong temptation to sweep the whole thing under the rug. But acknowledging, owning up to, and apologizing for your mistake is always the better option. Apologizing at work helps you:
- Build trust: When you apologize, you show your co-workers and manager that you’re willing to take accountability for your actions.
- Maintain strong relationships: Strong relationships are built on trust. Owning your mistakes and committing to improvement is a crucial part of earning trust and forging bonds with your colleagues.
- Enhance your credibility and reputation: Apologizing takes a lot of honesty and integrity, both of which can improve your reputation and the way people perceive you at work.
- Encourage a positive team culture: When you muster the confidence to admit your own mistakes, it gives your team members permission to do the same. Acknowledging and apologizing for errors can promote more psychological safety on your team.
- Prevent future mistakes: A genuine, “I’m sorry” opens up a conversation about the mistake and helps you and your team identify ways to avoid the same slip-up in the future.
Genuine apologies can go a long way at work. But unsurprisingly, they’re more frequently expected out of certain people.
For starters, apologies are often expected more from women, with one study revealing that women say “sorry” more often. Apologies are also more frequently expected from direct reports, rather than from managers or people in positions with greater power.
But here’s the interesting thing: research shows that the less expected an apology is, the more power it holds. When a manager or male team member subverts this dynamic and offers a sincere, professional apology, it can make an even bigger impact.
6 ingredients for a professional apology (with examples)
Now for the big question: How do you apologize for a mistake professionally? Not every “I’m sorry” is created equal, but science has drilled down to a few must-have ingredients for a successful apology at work.
A 2016 analysis of two psychological studies found that there are six key elements of an effective apology, described here by the Association for Psychological Science. If you’re wondering how to make your professional apology count, include as many of these not-so-secret ingredients as you possibly can.
1. Express your regret
Start by plainly confirming that you regret what happened. Whether the mistake was a result of poor communication, faulty execution, or a failure in judgment, the other party needs to understand that you’re not happy with the outcome, either. As you do this, make sure to include the words, “I’m sorry.” It sounds simple enough, but it’s a piece that’s surprisingly simple to skip.
Professional apology example: “I’m so sorry about the issues caused by the code I deployed. I know how critical the uptime and functionality of our application are for both our users and our team.”
2. Explain what happened
Give some brief context for what happened, but keep it short and neutral. This isn’t the time to make it about yourself or offer excuses.
Professional apology example: “I deployed the new feature without thoroughly testing it in the staging environment, which led to an unexpected bug.”
3. Take responsibility
You’re human and you messed up. It happens. Unless you’re in charge of the nuclear codes, it’s probably not the end of the world. You can’t go back in time, so the best you can do now is own up to the mistake.
Professional apology example: “This mistake was entirely my fault. I should have double-checked the testing protocols and made sure everything was in order before pushing the update. I didn’t take the necessary precautions, and that’s on me.”
4. Be clear and succinct
Now’s the time to say (or repeat) the actual words “I’m sorry.” Because you’ve provided context and taken responsibility, your words will be much more powerful now.
Professional apology example: “Again, I’m so sorry for the disruption I caused. I hope you can accept my apology.”
5. Suggest next steps
What’s next? After you apologize, share how you can repair the situation. Then, verify that your colleagues agree with your proposed course of action.
Professional apology example: “To prevent this from happening again, I’m implementing a more rigorous testing process and adding an extra code review step for all future deployments. I’m also monitoring the system closely so I can jump on resolving any remaining issues. If there are any other steps you think I should take, please let me know.”
6. Ask for forgiveness
Close out your apology by visualizing a way to move forward. Emphasize that you care about your relationship with the other person and repairing that is your priority.
Professional apology example: “I value our relationship and the trust we’ve built on our team. I hope you’ll forgive this mistake so we can continue working together effectively.”
How to apologize professionally in person
Those six ingredients will apply regardless of the method you’re using to apologize: an in-person conversation or an email. But let’s look a little closer at your options here — starting with an in-person apology at work.
Apologizing face-to-face might be more nerve-racking but, in general, it’s better received. You can communicate not just with your words, but with your body language, facial expressions, and tone of voice. All that extra context leaves less space for misinterpretation.
Ready to summon your courage and apologize? Here are a few tips for a professional in-person apology.
Know the power of body language
If you aren’t mindful of the cues your face, body, and intonation are sending, it can undermine your apology instead of strengthening it.
To ensure you’re expressing sincerity and trustworthiness, don’t cross your arms. And be sure to speak calmly and look the person directly in the eye.
Apologize right away
It’s important to take control of the narrative by apologizing immediately. The longer you wait, the more space you give the other person to make assumptions about why you did what you did.
If you’re in a hybrid situation where you need to schedule a future in-person apology, acknowledge why you’re setting up the meeting — and a brief text or verbal apology as you do so.
Try using saying something like, “I’m so sorry that happened. Could we please set up a quick meeting next week to debrief?”
Be considerate
Make sure your apology doesn’t inconvenience the other person, especially if it’s someone you report to.
For example, don’t interrupt the flow of a meeting to apologize profusely for being late or book your 1:1 apology meeting without consulting the other person’s calendar. These small details matter.
Example of an in-person apology
“I wanted to talk to you about missing the deadline for the project brief. I’m really sorry about that. I know it set the team back and created extra stress.
I misjudged the amount of time I would need to get all of the information and didn’t communicate early enough when I realized I was falling behind. I should have given you a heads-up sooner so you weren’t caught off guard.
I take full responsibility for not managing my time properly. I know it impacted everyone’s work and I completely understand how frustrating that must have been.
Again, I’m so sorry this happened. Moving forward, I’m going to set clearer deadlines for myself and communicate earlier if I’m running into issues. If there’s anything else I can do to make this right or help the team get back on track, please let me know.
I value our work together and hope you can forgive my mistake. I’m committed to making sure this doesn’t happen again.”
How to apologize for a mistake at work remotely
In our remote-first age, in-person apologies are an increasingly rare luxury. But thanks to video conferencing, a face-to-face apology is still an option for many remote teams.
While it’s not quite the same as a true in-person apology, you still get the benefits of facial expressions, tone of voice, and body language, so many of the same guidelines apply.
Unfortunately, a video call isn’t always an option. In those situations, you’ll probably apologize over a written channel like email or Slack.
And if you just feel like you can apologize better in writing, that’s okay too! If you tend to freeze up or get nervous in stressful situations, an email apology gives you more time and space to think over your words.
Here are some tips on how to apologize for a mistake at work by email or another text-centric channel.
Choose your channel carefully
Slack or another professional chat tool is okay for a quick “oops” between colleagues.
But you should probably send a formal email for bigger mistakes. This is especially important if the mistake affected outcomes for others or involved a personal error in judgment, such as not being honest about a negative outcome.
If an email doesn’t feel right, but video isn’t feasible, consider a phone call. That might be easier for the other person to handle, compared to a full cameras-on meeting.
If possible, at least offer a video or audio chat and see if the other person is receptive. If not, that’s the time to follow up with your carefully thought-out email apology.
Prioritize clarity
Be even more clear and explicit in a written apology, even if it seems like overkill. Remember, you are losing a lot of important cues when you communicate in writing.
That means you need to take every possible step to make sure your message is clear. Include as many of those six magic ingredients as you possibly can.
Be yourself
Written apologies tend to feel more formal than ones delivered in person or by video, but that doesn’t mean you need to be scripted or robotic.
The best apologies sound like they came from you, not a template or PR team. As long as you follow these tips for a meaningful, professional apology, it’s okay to speak in your own authentic voice.
example of an email apology
Subject: So sorry about the client proposal miscommunication
Hi Peter,
I wanted to send you a note to apologize for the confusion I caused with the client proposal this week.
I realize now that my email about the final version was unclear and it led to a misunderstanding with the client about the deliverables and timeline. I’m so sorry for the impact this had on you, the client, and the rest of the team.
I sent the proposal without double-checking the details and didn’t clearly specify the revisions that were still pending. I see now that my lack of clarity created unnecessary back-and-forth and frustration for everyone.
This miscommunication is fully my responsibility, and I’m very sorry for the trouble it caused. To prevent this from happening again, I’ll thoroughly review all documents and enlist a second set of eyes for important communications moving forward. I’m available to help fix any remaining issues with the client or to assist in any way you think is best.
I value our partnership on this project and hope you’ll accept my apology so we can continue our work together. Please let me know if there’s anything else I can do to make this right.
Thanks so much for your understanding,
After your apology
Apologies are essential for turning mistakes into better work and stronger relationships — but they’re only the first step.
Research has found that, on their own, apologies don’t do very much. In fact, participants in one study reacted better to an imagined apology than the reality of receiving one. Unless followed up with concrete action, even the most polished and professional of apologies are useless. They can even be harmful, eroding trust in your words and making you seem insincere.
That’s not to say you should throw up your hands and forget about apologizing altogether. It just means you need to be ready to take real steps after apologizing to prevent future issues.
Harvard Business Review recommends letting your boss or manager know what steps you’re planning to take to prevent the mistake from reoccurring. Then, as you implement your plan, keep them updated. Doing so not only helps you mend fences, but can also help you progress in your career.
Say sorry and move forward
When you realize that you’ve messed something up, the last thing you want to do is call more attention to your blunder. However, covering up the problem in the hope that nobody will never notice is the wrong move.
Even if it inspires some sweaty palms, your best bet is to own your mistake and offer a thoughtful, genuine apology.
Once you’ve done that? Resist the urge to keep raking yourself over the coals. It’s not the first time you’ve screwed up – and it likely won’t be the last. So, apologize, make an action plan, dust yourself off, and move forward.